Friday, March 29, 2013

Remind me.

I thank you, Lord Jesus.

For when you descended to the depths of Sheol you brought my junk with you

You brought with you the part of me that wants to promote myself through my parenting
You took with you the way I count beans with my husband
You went down with my trappings of appearance
You lugged my endless battle of idealism
You sank under my wasted time on social media
You descended with my tendency to find flaws in everything and everyone
You carried my pride. My doubt.  My jealous heart

The weight of my filth crushed you, like an anchor
Dropping you into the deepest grave of all.
The effortless way that I give into myself over and over again
Pushed you down further, deeper, and held you there

And you left it there 
You did battle for me
Because you went, I will never have to

Remind me, that when you rose, I rose
I stepped out of that grave with you.  Unblemished
Clothed in white, no longer sitting in my own filth
Clean because you did my laundry

Remind me, it's already done
Let my little life exhaust itself in gratitude
My hands become calloused in thankfulness
Not because I need to prove myself to you

But because it is finished.

Thank you Jesus.  

1 comment:

  1. Rachel how beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Praise the Lord He took my junk with him too!
